Yet another contented customer of MacManus Finance, we contacted this business earlier in the year in regards to funding requirements within their company.
This Engineering Company based in Wiltshire was pleased we got in touch just in time to assist them with their Corporation Tax bill to ease cash flow within the business and free up working capital.
We at MacManus Finance make the process simple, we look at your requirements, identify a lender that suits your circumstances and secure the deal with a quick turnaround. This enables you to take control of your cash and spread the cost of your tax bill into manageable payments.
MacManus finance work with specialist lenders, have a large panel of 60 who can provide funds that your business needs, and we have a proven track record in supporting businesses in all sectors. You can be sure we will provide you with the best competitive rates and lending options to suit you and your business. Please call 01443 800621 to discuss.