A Freight Transport Company based in Pembroke was contacted at the right time in 2018 as they were looking to ease cash flow pressure within the company, and the short term VAT loan was just what they needed.

After building up a trusting relationship in a short time and securing a VAT loan for the business with competitive rates this enabled them to ease cash flow within the business. They then returned to us to review their existing invoice finance facility, this allowed us to find them significant savings on their previous provider, therefore, releasing capital back into the business.

We supported them and their business through both deals and knowing funding was in place for their VAT, and saving them a considerable amount on their invoice finance facility they were then able to concentrate on their business and keeping their customers happy.

The company found it invaluable that MacManus Finance did more than provide them with options, but also helped them through the process from beginning to end on both funding deals and found them the best competitive rates on the market. The team at MacManus Finance welcomes all queries you may have in regards to your business funding requirements, please call 01443 800621 to discuss.